legal and economic certainty, sustainability, economic benefits, conflict resolution, Environmental mediationAbstract
Environmental mediation is an effective tool for resolving conflicts involving environmental issues, offering various economic benefits. These include the reduction of legal costs, preservation of commercial relationships, minimization of environmental liabilities, and promotion of legal certainty. Furthermore, mediation facilitates the valuation of environmental assets and the efficient allocation of resources, enabling sustainable development and preventing economic standstills. This extrajudicial mechanism not only resolves disputes quickly and consensually but also contributes to a more stable and growth-friendly business environment. This article seeks to analyze the benefits of using mediation in environmental disputes by presenting concrete cases that illustrate these advantages. The research employed the hypothetical-deductive method, beginning with an initial hypothesis and using case observations to verify the validity of deductions generated from this hypothesis. The study employed bibliographic research techniques, involving consultation and critical review of available literature on the topic, to provide a theoretical basis for this research.
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