Public policies for innovation and the production of the biodegradable disposable cup in Goiás


  • Cintia Neves Godoi Professora Mestrado Profissional em Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro Universitário Alves Faria
  • Guilherme Neves Piedade Louzada Gerente Comercial eeCoo Sustentabilidade
  • Rodrigues Neves Godoi Diretor Geral eeCoo Sustentabilidade 


innovation, sustainability, biodegradable cups, bioplastic, Goiás


This technical report aims to be a study about the production of one biodegradable disposable cup in Goiás, Brazil. To analyze the needs of biodegradable disposable cups were analyzed the conjuncture of transformations in Brazilian urban society and the increasing use of disposable products. Specific public policies for Innovation and some national bodies that specialize in supporting innovation-related ventures, especially the Tecnova bidding, were also analyzed. Those were the theoretical ideas underlying the construction of this technical project to test brazilian machines to build one biodegradable cup. The methodology for the construction of the report, and the project, were presented. Also the main results of this project were demonstrated, which generated the production of a biodegradable disposable cup, produced in national machinery weighing more than the weight of disposable plastic cups available in the Brazilian market.

Author Biographies

Cintia Neves Godoi, Professora Mestrado Profissional em Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro Universitário Alves Faria

Doutorado em Formação Sócio Espacial, Professora Mestrado Profissional em Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro Universitário Alves Faria, Gerente de produtos eeCoo Sustentabilidade.

Guilherme Neves Piedade Louzada, Gerente Comercial eeCoo Sustentabilidade

Mestrado em Ciência Política pela Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG. Gerente Comercial eeCoo Sustentabilidade. E-mail: 

Rodrigues Neves Godoi, Diretor Geral eeCoo Sustentabilidade 

Bacharel em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Diretor Geral eeCoo Sustentabilidade 

